Miles and Smiles
How it all began
In the foothills of Washington state, a small but passionate group of young riders set off on a journey that would shape a vibrant community. It all began in 2016, when the Washington Student Cycling League (WSCL) hosted their first race in Roslyn. That event sparked the creation of a team that would soon become a home for aspiring cyclists from middle through high school.
Informally known as the "Pac Rats," the group quickly found its footing, and by 2017, they officially formed as the Kittitas Composite team. Over the years, their numbers swelled, and their reputation grew as a welcoming, inclusive space for youth of all abilities. Some of their early members even went on to graduate into the cycling industry, a testament to the foundation the team had built.
But like many others, the team faced challenges in 2020 when COVID hit, pausing activities temporarily. Yet, the spirit of the Pac Rats remained undeterred. As the world slowly returned to normal, the team began to grow once again, supported by a dedicated group of parents, local businesses, and community members who shared in the vision of fostering youth cycling.
How we roll
At the heart of the Pac Rats’ philosophy is inclusion. Their youth rides are "no-drop" rides, meaning no one is ever left behind. Skill levels vary, and the team’s more experienced riders are encouraged to mentor those still finding their wheels. The group size may fluctuate, but the one constant is the support system they’ve created. Adults ride alongside, ensuring safety and camaraderie, and sometimes, a trusted student rider leads the pack, proving that growth and leadership can emerge at any age.
How we ride
The team rides twice a week—one ride reserved for the race team, and the other open to all youth interested in cycling. The WSCL spring race season runs from mid-April to mid-June, and the fall season runs September to October. Yet, the team is not solely focused on racing. They are eager to explore new paths, including downhill and enduro racing for those looking for an extra thrill.
Looking to the future
The story of the Pac Rats is more than just about cycling—it’s about community, resilience, and the pursuit of a shared passion. Looking to the future, the Pac Rats are ready to continue riding, racing, exploring new challenges, and, most importantly, creating a space where every rider, no matter their skill or background, can find their place in the pack